02 March 2010

The Streaks of the Tulip

My devoted reader button-holed me for a minute yesterday to let me know that my blog reads like an anti-PSC screech. It's true that I've been writing against the art of politics in the PSC for the better part of a week. But I haven't done so out of animus. I've been writing about it because it stares me squarely in the face: it's in power in five of the six levels of government that determine and carry out public policy affecting me and my family. And the PSC is the sort of party I'd like to be able to vote for (and have voted for). I'll turn my attention to other parties, to the media, and to more open and democratic practices over time. My thesis is not about the PSC alone: I hold that the structures of democratic politics in Spain, in place and largely unaltered since the late 1970s, were inappropriate for an immature democracy and have created democratic deficits and disaffection. I'll continue to pursue the theme because I believe in liberal democracy, not in the abstract, but in the here and now. Here and now is where I live.

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